Graphic Novel Work in Process

Graphic Novel page in process

I’ve been super busy the last few weeks working on a picture book. Yesterday, I finally completed the  artwork for it. So, while I’m waiting for comments from the publisher, I have a little time to work on the graphic novel pitch I’m developing.

Here’s the page I inked last night. I drew the panel borders and typed the dialogue in Adobe Illustrator. Then I printed it onto 11×17 Bristol paper. I penciled everything in blue pencil which I can easily remove in Photoshop later (The dialogue was also blue. This makes it easier if I have to re-write any dialogue later.) I drew the final ink lines primarily with my trusty Rapidograph pens.

So what do you think?

And I should be back on Friday with another page in the adventures of Jim and Ted, for both of  you who missed it the last few weeks.

Jim and Ted 7: Monkey Attack!


Things are looking really bad for Jim and Ted. Poor Ted is getting swarmed by savage monkeys.

This little series I’m doing keeps getting more dramatic and I’m not sure how this happened. I’m working without a plot or any real plan– I’ve begun each of these with a blank paper and the question: “What happens next?” Hopefully, I can think of happier things for Ted and Jim soon. Assuming they survive the monkeys, that is.