Graphic Novel Work in Process

Graphic Novel page in process

I’ve been super busy the last few weeks working on a picture book. Yesterday, I finally completed the  artwork for it. So, while I’m waiting for comments from the publisher, I have a little time to work on the graphic novel pitch I’m developing.

Here’s the page I inked last night. I drew the panel borders and typed the dialogue in Adobe Illustrator. Then I printed it onto 11×17 Bristol paper. I penciled everything in blue pencil which I can easily remove in Photoshop later (The dialogue was also blue. This makes it easier if I have to re-write any dialogue later.) I drew the final ink lines primarily with my trusty Rapidograph pens.

So what do you think?

And I should be back on Friday with another page in the adventures of Jim and Ted, for both of  you who missed it the last few weeks.