It’s a Sunny Life Process

I always enjoy showing off my artistic process, so I hope you don’t mind if I show off how I created a double page spread for my new book “It’s A Sunny Life.” I began with a rough pencil drawing. The grey clouds were added in Photoshop as a time saver.
SunnyLife_Process_roughAfter the rough sketch was approved by the publisher, I printed it out (with the approximate text placement) in blue onto 11×17 Bristol paper.

Why print it in blue? I can easily remove the blue line from the page in Photoshop. I also redrew some elements I wasn’t pleased with with a blue pencil. If you look closely, you’ll notice the extra blue pencil lines in the dog’s body and paws. I then drew the final linework in ink.
SunnyLife_Process_InkI scanned the drawing and removed the blue lines in Photoshop. I also filled the upper right corner with black (which I decided was faster to do on the computer than by hand.)
And then I colored the spread in Photoshop. Unfortunately, I neglected to save any of the intermediate coloring stages. So I’ll skip ahead to the finished spread from the book with the text added.


If you’d like to see more, you can find the book on Amazon at this convenient link: