Random Scribblings

One of the difficulties of keeping a blog like this is that I can’t show off my paying work until it’s in print.  So I can’t show off what I’m working on right now. But at least I manage to draw other things from time to time…

Like durring the Super Bowl Sunday night, I watched the game with friends but I had a sheet of paper if front of me. By halftime, this is what I had…


These are just idle “see what comes out of the pen” drawings with very little thought put into them.  None are meant to be any one or anything specific. Well, other than Donald Duck, he’s rather specfic. A couple years back I almost had the chance to draw the Disney ducks for kaBoom! comics. KaBoom!’s deal with Disney fell apart before I had my chance. But I still find myself  scribbling out old Donald from time to time, just to stay in practice. Someday I’ll get my chance…

In other news, I just started an official “Rob Peters Illustration” page on Facebook. If you care need one more way to follow me, feel free to “like” me there.