My daughter has been asking me to draw “Pigs having a pizza party” for months now. So for this Inktober 52 piece, I’m going to draw a little of that for her.
Tag Archives: character
Inktober 52: week 1 Hunt

Be very, very quiet. This rabbit is hunting.
I’m going to try the Inktober 52 challenge this year— one ink drawing a week using their prompt word. I’m doing digital inks right now since it’s faster and I can get time-lapse replays of me drawing, which is always fun.
Daily Drawing: Zebra 21
And now we come to the end of the month, the end of the year, and the end of my daily drawings for a while. When I started doing these daily drawings back in 2015, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to post consistently for a whole month. As it turned out, I didn’t miss very many days in all these years. I did just black and white ink drawings for the first few years and started adding color a couple years ago. It has been a fun creative challenge to draw the same animal or topic every weekday for a month at a time. I’ve grown tremendously as an artist because of it. I hope you’ve enjoyed these as much as I have.
But now I want to try something different. I’m not entirely sure what that will look like, but I’m going to try to keep up with some sort of regular posting. I guess we’ll see what I come up with in the new year.

Daily Drawing: Zebra 20
Zebra in a hat and tie

Daily Drawing: Zebra 19

After a busy Christmas season, this Zebra is exhausted (and so am I.)