In a puff of smoke, Magic Melvin the Magnificent appeared on stage. The audience cheered, it was an amazing feat. Unfortunately, it was also the only trick Melvin could remember. Melvin stood frozen on stage for the next fifteen minutes, as he struggled to remember even the simplest card trick. Finally, he disappeared in another puff of smoke and the show was over.
This drawing was done in ink, marker, and colored pencil with finsihing touches done digitally in Photoshop.
Great piece. I love your line work!
I love your illustration. Very full of energy and I love the colors and concept.
Great illustration! FUll of energy and movement! Very dynamic! Love how the type is part of the piece. Well done!
Wow, I love line work,and yours is amazing!
I really like this one Rob. I haven’t been ignoring your e-mails. I’ve just been VERY busy since I am back to school 18 hours this semester AND trying to run my photography business. I hope all is well with you. Wishing you great success… Dan.