Daily Creature #25

The Squimrat

Daily Creature 25

The Squimrat has the misfortune of being the only inhabitant of the Tranfuggle tree in the Wegottwon Meadow other than the flocks of Blue Wioble Birds.  The Squimrat is hairless, with the exception of the inside of it’s ears.  The ear-fur acts as nautural earmuffs, dampening most of the Wioble Birds’ songs.  Even still, what little “music” the Squimrat can hear is enough to drive it insane, it’s only a matter of time.

Daily Creature #22


Daily Creature 22

Not to be confused with the Striped-Back Sock Snatcher, Sockivores consumes unmatched socks.  In ancient times, before the invention of socks, early Sockivors survived on stovepipe hats with the occasional belt on the side.  But as stovepipe hats went out of style, Sockivores moved onto to a diet of socks, although some are known to nibble on the occasional belt to this day.